What if I Don't do

Let's say you click off this website and never consider climate change again. Well, the first picture below shows what the average tempertures (in celcius) will look like in 2096 if we doubled the amount of carbon dioxide in the air in 1956. So it shows what our planet will look like if we change nothing about the pollution we're putting in the air. It's kind of a worst case senario, but not impossible. The second picture compares the snow and ice coverage between the last ice age, and what snow and ice coverage will look like in 2096, again, if we don't change anything.

Click here to see how your city's climate might change in 50 years.

So, What are People Doing to Help?

There are quite a few things that people are doing in the bigger picture, but also things you personally can do. Check out the How to Help section in this website to see what small changes you cna make to your lifestyle to help the Earth. And in the bigger picture?