How YOU can Help
Helping stop climate change is vital to future generations and current. If we continue life as it is, and ignore the rising climate, the world will succumb to these fossil fuels that we are creating. In the tab 2096, you can see what your climate might look like in just 75 years, the changes in some places are drastic. Luckily, there are things you can do to help out, the battle isn't won, and it's not nearly over either.

A water faucet

#1 Save Water:
While this may not seem like it would help with global warming, it does! It takes a whole lot of energy to run your faucet, with pumping, treating heating. So by using less water, you can limit the amount of carbon pollution going into making your faucet work! Take smaller showers, and turn off water when you're not using it.

plastic drifting under-water

#2 Use Less Plastic:
This is not only a way to help with global warming, but also with the world's plastic problem. How, you ask? Well, almost every plastic product is created using fossil fuels, so by using reusable grocery bags, or reusable water bottles, you can help with two of the world's major problems!

A bike with a sunset behind it

#3 Ride Your Bike More!:
Of course, cars create fossil fuels when we drive them, so, naturally, riding your bike to places that are close enough help with global warming. And you can get in some great exercise!

A rainbow of fruits and veggies

#4 Change Your Diet:
It takes a lot of energy and fossil fuels to pack up food, transport it, ship it. And it takes even more green-house gases to create all of our livestock products! You can help though by tweaking your diet, even just a tiny bit, so that you buy less dairy and meat products. Only buying what you eat to cut down on waste products also helps. And if you really want to help, and you have the time, you could grow your own garden!

A woman holding her phone

#5 Shrink Your Digital Foot-print:
....What? Yes, shrinking your Digital Foot-print helps with global warming. Think about all screens you have, well to stream your favorite show, your actually also streaming CO2 emissions. Energy is necessary for all the data you produce, and what's normally used for the energy? Fossil-fuels. There are some simple ways you can help with this. Download shows you want to watch, that way you aren't streaming them every time. Cleaning up your email box, the less data the better! Switching to a green search engine that plants trees.

someone tinkering with the engine of a car

#6 Boosting Your Miles Per Gallon:
Everyone has to drive, it's just the way we've built our world. However, by simply keeping up with your car's maintenance and tires, you can boost your miles per gallon, and save energy!

a black and white photo of someone plugging a wire into a power-strip

#7 Plugs:
The outlets in your home are responsible for loads of energy. Unplug devices you aren't using, use power strips, and have your computers set to automatically turn off when you aren't using them.

clip-art of a light-bulb with a plug draped to the left side, buildings are on top of the wire, the entire thing is colored green

#8 Energy Efficient Appliances:
Appliances are responsible for so much CO2 emissions. When shopping for new appliances, look for the Energy Star to see how much energy each is using!

trees with sunlight streaming through

#9 Plant Trees!!:
Trees help so much when it comes to climate change. They have a literal super-power of being able to turn CO2 into oxygen! If we just plant more trees and make sure that less are cut down, then this world will be that much cleaner.

clip-art of people talking to each other

#10 Talk!:
Spreading the world about climate change is a huge way to help, the more people that know, the better. You don't have to go out into the street and hold up a sign or anything either, it can be as simple as striking up a conversation about climate change.